The words “med spa” invoke imagery of women in robes, relaxing with cucumber slices on their eyes. The same goes for “laser hair removal”, which is often associated with underarms and bikini lines.

However, the market is much larger than that. Men are embracing the benefits of laser hair removal, including the luxury experience and low maintenance. Whether you’re removing hair for aesthetic reasons, to please a partner, or enhance athletic performance, the nurses at SEV Laser can help you reduce facial and body hair.

A Promising New Manscape

Male grooming is a growing industry that’s anticipated to hit a value of over $100 billion by the year 2028. That’s a lot more men who will be looking sharp, smelling great, and feeling handsome.

Walking into a med spa for the first time can feel foreign, but don’t let new experiences turn you away from self-improvement. Laser hair removal is becoming a sought after grooming treatment among men and women alike.

In this post, we’ll break down some of the reasons why men come in for laser hair removal. If you’ve been considering the procedure, this information can put you at ease and prepare you for treatment.

Why Men Seek Laser Hair Removal

There are plenty of reasons why men remove their body hair. Some have practical reasons for wanting body or facial hair removed, while for others it may be a purely cosmetic decision. Reasons men cite behind their decision include:

A cleaner, smoother look

Laser hair removal is a great way to show off. If you’ve got a toned body and spend a lot of time at the gym and the beach, why would you want hair obscuring your hard-earned muscle definition?

There is a reason bodybuilders prefer to keep a smooth chest and abdomen. Laser hair removal can maintain these areas better than shaving or waxing, and it provides a long-term solution as the hair follicles are gradually disabled.

Less upkeep

You can shave or wax your body, but it takes time and often leads to bumps or irritation. Laser hair removal lasts longer and leaves you smoother in the end. Along with saving you the trouble, you can say goodbye to all the money you spend on razor products.

With the speed and efficacy of treatments at SEV, you also save time by having body hair professionally removed. Tackling it yourself can be time consuming, but our nurses can cover more ground in less time.

A happy partner

When it comes to intimacy, grooming can be a courtesy to your partner. Many people are thrilled when their partners put effort into their body and feel comfortable in their own skin, and laser hair removal is a great way to facilitate that self-confidence.

It’s not uncommon for men to pursue laser hair removal at the behest of their wives or partners. Inevitably, many get hooked on both the improvement in their appearance and a rekindled passion in the bedroom.

Better sports performance

There are a number of sports where a lack of hair can make you feel and perform better. Athletes like swimmers and divers have even been known to remove body hair to make them more dynamic while cutting through the water.

This is just one way laser hair removal can improve comfort and performance during sports. Without body hair matting your skin’s surface, sweat can run freely and tight-fitting gear won’t snag.

Less body odor

While body hair can trap deodorant against the skin, it can do the same to odor. This is most obvious under your arms and between your legs. If you want to feel and smell fresher, getting rid of excess body hair can help you achieve that goal. You won’t lose any of your natural scent, but it won’t become overpowering after a little exertion.

No more ingrown hairs

Shaving is considerably more common than waxing among men, which means a lot of ingrown hairs. This is a problem, especially when you have dense body hair or sensitive skin. Ingrown hairs can lead to swollen pores, infected hair follicles, and acne.

To make matters worse, it’s a cycle of irritation that starts over every time you shave. With laser hair removal, you’ll be able to sidestep the majority of this issue.

Best Areas for Laser Hair Removal

When trying laser hair removal for the first time, men usually begin with these areas:


You can shave most of your body by yourself, but one area you can’t reach without help is your back. Back hair is also a common complaint, even among those who like hair on other parts of their body.

You might have a scraggly pattern of back hair or worse, a thick rug that has you burning up in the heat. If you’re tired of twisting in the mirror and asking for help with a razor, consider letting a professional do the work. The back is a larger treatment area, but it still takes under twenty minutes.


Second only to back hair, the buttocks is one of the most common targets for laser hair removal. Hair on the buttocks is unattractive to many women, and overly long buttock hair can be inconvenient and uncomfortable.

The nurses at SEV have every consideration for your privacy; we’ll make sure you stay covered while you get the proper treatment. Laser hair removal doesn’t take long, and you might be surprised by how much you enjoy the results. The awkwardness of your appointment will fade quickly, but you’ll remember how it paid off.

Chest and Abs

It bears repeating: why hide a chiseled physique under a mat of hair? Get rid of it and show off the body you’ve worked so hard to maintain! You’d be amazed at the number of men who have made laser hair removal part of their routine, right up there with leg day.

Hair obscures finer details and flaws, which makes hair removal a great motivation for not missing your gym appointments. When you remove that hair and get a better look at what’s underneath, you’ll be inspired to work hard for the body you want and deserve.


Laser hair removal for men takes many forms when it comes to the face. Some opt for full facial hair removal, while others prefer to treat specific areas. At SEV, we can help you get rid of moustaches, neckbeards, sideburns, and the pesky hair on the back of your neck.

If you want to keep some facial hair intact, we can give you the crisper beard outline you’re looking for. Whatever your ideal aesthetic is, we can help you achieve it.


Let’s quickly circle back on laser hair removal for more private regions. While it may take time to work up the nerve, getting hair removal around your groin can do wonders for your self confidence — and potentially even your love life.

The downstairs hair removal for men package can go a long way in improving your relationship with yourself and your partner.

What to Expect at SEV Laser

At SEV Laser, we take the same respectful, discrete approach for all clientele. Comfort is a top priority for everyone we serve, which is why we take steps to ensure your safety and security. Our goal is not only an effective treatment, but a positive experience.

We’ll explain how things work in advance, make sure you are as covered as possible, and pay close attention to the laser settings throughout the procedure. Laser hair removal shouldn’t do anything more than sting.

If you’ve had friends say their experiences were painful, there’s a good chance they didn’t have the correct laser setting. They might have had an inexperienced technician, or felt too uncomfortable to mention their discomfort.

That’s why we encourage men to not tough it out. If at any point your laser hair removal experience feels like more than a snapped rubber band, tell us so we can recalibrate the machine. There’s no reason to endure unnecessary pain; it can be resolved by keeping us updated.

The more sessions you have and the more feedback you give, the better your experience will be. To begin treatment or receive a consultation, book now at SEV Laser.