Who wants laser arm hair removal? Lots of people, and not always for the reasons you’d suspect. Arm hair removal can give you silky smooth arms without turning to stubble a few days after shaving, and without the mess and hassle of waxing.

Whether you’re looking to remove arm hair purely for aesthetic reasons or have a specific motive behind your desire, know that all of your wants and needs are valid. At SEV Laser, we promote whole body acceptance, including any changes you need to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Of course, you may have concerns or anxiety about the process, and hesitate to book your first session at one of our med spas based on not knowing what to expect. That’s why we’ve created our full arm laser hair removal video.

This can help you get familiarized at what laser hair removal is like at one of our locations, and visualize yourself going through the same process. This can ease your anxiety and make you more comfortable with contacting us to book an appointment.

Expectations of Laser Hair Removal

First off, let’s answer the top questions people have about laser hair removal, particularly for the arms.

How Many Sessions Does It Take to Remove Arm Hair?

It depends on how thick your arm hair is, which can vary widely from person to person. Most people see lasting results from laser hair removal in six to twelve sessions, spaced apart no shorter than four weeks but no longer than six weeks.

This gives your skin time to recover, and for more hairs to enter the effective anagen, or growth, phase. By keeping your sessions evenly spaced, you have a better chance of being hair free by the end of your series.

How Long Is Each Arm Hair Removal Session?

It only takes about ten minutes or so to do laser hair removal on your full arm, but it could take a little longer if you have very long arms or very dense hair follicles. Anyway, you should be back to your day within half an hour.

This means you can book your arm hair removal at your convenience. Depending on your personal commitments, this could mean during your lunch break, or even before or after work. This makes the process easy to schedule.

Is Laser Arm Hair Removal Painful?

A lot of med spas promise you cooling gel like lidocaine to “numb the pain” but at SEV laser we know that laser hair removal should absolutely not be painful. Most people say treatment is like a light snapping with a rubber band, no worse.

That’s why we don’t offer numbing cooling gel. All of SEV laser machines have built-in cooling for comfort, instead. If you do feel any heat, burning, or pain, tell your nurse immediately. We’ll stop and recalibrate the machine.

Why People Choose Arm Hair Removal

There are plenty of reasons to want your arm hair removed. Here are a few our patients have shared with us over the years.

“I’m Embarrassed”

Lots of women (and plenty of men, too) have the hair on their arms removed because the hair is dark or thick and they feel embarrassed or undesirable. They wear long sleeves even in hotter weather or shave or wax constantly.

While we think no-one should feel bad about the body God gave them, we also recognize that you may need change to feel body-positive about yourself. Simply disliking your arm hair is an absolutely valid reason to seek laser hair removal!

“My Job Is Messy”

Another reason people ask to have their arm hair removed is because of their job. People who work jobs like construction, car mechanics, road work, painting, or any other jobs where there’s a lot of dust, dirt, grime, or debris like having hair free arms.

It certainly makes cleanup at the end of the day a lot easier. You don’t have to be scrubbing and scrubbing to get all that junk off of yourself before you can relax. Instead, you can just pop in and out of the shower and be ready for some R&R before bed.

“I’m an Athlete”

Sport sweat is no joke. Body hair can make it even worse. Instead of running off your body, sweat can cause your arm hair to feel sodden and even weighed down. It’s a disgusting feeling a lot of people in sports hate.

Laser hair removal means you’re feeling better even when you are sweating. It can also make you more hydrodynamic in the water if you’re a swimmer or diver, as hair free skin reduces drag — double important in competitions.

“I Have Kids/Pets”

Oh, the pain. Having a child or pet pull on your arm hair can be absolutely agonizing. No-one likes the sensation of arm hair being pulled out by the roots, even if it’s an accident. If you have a newborn, you know how hard their tiny fists are to uncurl, too.

No more pinching and pulling of the hair on your arms sounds like a pretty good deal.With lasered arms, all you have to worry about is scratches from nails. That’s a risk which can be pretty easily dealt with with a decent pair of nail clippers and maybe a file.

“I Just Like the Way Hair Free Arms Look”

Some people just want the smooth and sleek look of hair free arms. Enjoying the aesthetic is another valid reason to get your arm hair lasered away. Once your arm hair is gone, you might even want to have laser hair removal on other parts of your body as well.

The Arm Hair Removal Process

Still need to know more? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the three steps of laser hair removal.

1. Prep Work

First step, avoid direct sunlight for two weeks before each session. Stay away from tanning beds or anything else with UV rays, too. 24 to 48 hours before your session, you can exfoliate lightly and shave your arms. Day of, skip the lotion even if your skin looks a bit ashy.

If you’re nervous or anxious about laser hair removal, we encourage you to contact us and ask questions, and to watch our video library. You’ll be able to see exactly how the process works from our demonstrations and alleviate your concerns.

2. Laser Day

Laser hair removal itself is simple. We choose the right laser for your skin type, the laser uses tight wavelengths of light to target your arm hair melanin, and the light turns into heat as it passes down the hairs and into the follicles.

The process is fast and easy, includes only minor discomfort if any, and only takes a few minutes. Once we’re finished, you’ll be able to go on about your day. We’ll remind you to book your next session as you leave.

3. After Care

You might feel a little heat in your skin after treatment, or feel a bit itchy. Your skin might even look a little red. You can use a cold compress to alleviate these symptoms along with a neutral cream, an aloe vera gel, or (for very irritated skin, which is rare) hydrocortisone cream.

You’ll have to keep lasered skin covered for two weeks after your session, just like you did before your appointment. You should also apply sunscreen, even if you’re only walking from your house to your car and so on.

Results of Laser Arm Hair Removal

You might see tiny bits of hair “shedding” within about two weeks of your session. This is normal. You also might notice a lower rate of hair regrowth, as the targeted hair follicles that were in anagen phase will be disabled.

However, most patients don’t see visible diminishing hair growth until after their second or third session, when more active hair follicles are disabled. After your full series, your arms should be hair free.

Start Your Journey Today

Besides having laser hair removal for arms, SEV Laser offers to do full hands laser hair removal. You might want to add this service if the backs of your hands or your knuckles have a lot of visible hair.

Do you think you might try the services offered by SEV Laser? It’s as easy as contacting us and asking for an appointment. We’ll be happy to go over our different packages with you so you can choose the best one(s) for your needs.