Laser treatments in dermatology range from skin resurfacing and rejuvenation, to treating acne scars and stretch marks. Additionally, you can address unwanted hair by targeting the follicles with specific wavelengths of light.
During laser hair removal, light energy hits the melanin in the hair shaft and travels down into the follicle, turning into heat on the way. A short burst of heat is released into the pore, which discourages hair regrowth.
Different skin tones are assigned numbers on the Fitzpatrick scale according to how easily they burn, with I and II being extremely fair, III and IV being moderately dark, and V and VI representing the darkest skin shades. Treating skin types I through VI with lasers for hair removal is relatively easy, but people with darker skin experience a higher risk of complications like burns and hyperpigmentation.
Dark skin tones contain more melanin, which may absorb more of the heat generated by the laser. This not only increases the risk of side effects, but can cause results to be inconsistent and scattered.
If you have darker skin and haven’t had good experiences with laser hair removal, you might be wary of trying again. With a proper understanding of which laser machines and cooling devices are best for your skin type, you’re more likely to succeed.
Choosing a provider that prioritizes inclusivity and scientific expertise is key to successful results. SEV Laser not only offers the right equipment for effective and comfortable treatments, but also provides advanced training and tools to enhance your results.
Understanding the Role of Cooling Devices
The challenges of heat absorption with darker skin tones can be mitigated with proper cooling methods. Cooled skin is less likely to experience side effects, making laser hair removal safer and more reliable for people with type V and VI skin.
There are several ways to cool the skin during laser treatment.
Types of Cooling Devices
Most cooling devices used during laser treatment fall into two main categories: contact and contactless. Contact forms of cooling include cooling gels and creams, cooling plates, cold packs, and other methods that use direct contact with the skin to cool it.
Contactless forms of skin cooling include both cryogenic sprays (applied before or during treatment), and short blasts of cold air before and after each laser pulse. Contactless cooling is typically seen as safer, and typically preferred among individuals receiving laser therapy.
Direct contact forms of cooling use convection to transfer heat away from your skin. However, these methods can numb the skin, masking sensations of burning or blistering until after your treatment. They also may be inefficient at reducing discomfort during the process, or even interfere with laser efficacy.
Contactless forms of cooling work using evaporation on the skin surface, or rapid chilling with forced air. Cold air remains one of the best methods for skin cooling and is an integral part of many laser treatments, including the process used at SEV.
Clinical Evidence and Research Findings
Research has shown that people with darker skin can benefit significantly from cooling during laser treatment, and laser treatment with no skin cooling often causes excessive thermal damage in comparison. Adding cooling interventions to the process reduces adverse effects for people with darker skin.
Most people prefer cooling to a skin temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but cooling can be adjusted to meet individual tolerance levels. The better the tolerance, the more effective laser treatment can be.
In a study of 166 people being treated for various conditions including excessive hair growth, 86% preferred cold air therapy over other cooling methods. When those objecting to cold air cooling around the paranasal area were eliminated, the percentage rose to 97%.
The same study found that increased thermal protection of the epidermis made it possible to use laser energy levels that were 15-30% higher while still reducing the rate of side effects.
Benefits of Cooling Devices for Dark Skin
There are numerous benefits associated with the use of cooling devices during laser treatment of darker skin tones, especially skin types V and VI. Let’s look at the three top advantages and how they improve treatment overall.
Enhanced Safety
Cooling devices used during laser treatments can reduce thermal damage to the outer skin layers. Dark skin is more likely to absorb laser heat, causing changes to the surface of the skin that can be permanent. Integrating cooling into the laser treatment process aids in the prevention of burns, blistering, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH).
Improved Efficacy
Using a cooling device also allows for higher energy settings, increasing the efficacy of the laser without burning your skin. This provides faster, more consistent results on darker skin, while reducing the need for additional sessions to achieve the desired results.
Patient Comfort
Cooler skin during laser treatment results in decreased perception of discomfort for those undergoing the process. This can also increase tolerance for longer or more intense treatments, minimizing the need for repeat appointments.
Best Practices and Recommendations
At SEV Laser, we choose laser systems and cooling methods for darker skin tones based on years of experience providing laser hair removal for diverse skin types. Here’s how we utilize skin cooling during laser treatments.
Appropriate Cooling Methods
Selecting the appropriate cooling method for dark skin starts with understanding different cooling options. Studies like those mentioned above indicate that air cooling may be the best option for darker skin, if not all skin types.
All laser hair removal treatments at SEV Laser are accompanied by air cooling with the Zimmer Cryo 6. The Cryo 6 is connected to our laser machines, and features a hose that emits cold air before and after each pulse of the laser. This cools the skin enough to reduce discomfort and the risk of side effects, while still allowing you to feel whether the laser is too strong.
Additional Training and Precautions
Optimal outcomes depend on proper training and precautions.Laser treatment providers should be comprehensively trained in how to use the machine and its upgrades, including cooling devices. DIY devices typically don’t include any cooling solution at all, and also recommend numbing gels that leave you vulnerable to blistering and burning — especially if you have darker skin.
Our nurses at SEV are highly trained in our laser hair removal machines and cooling devices, with ongoing education to ensure the best results. As a leader in the laser hair removal industry, SEV also provides additional training on current trends, developments, and best practices.
Customized Settings
The importance of customized settings cannot be stressed enough. The right laser setting and cooling method can be critical to avoid thermal damage to your skin.
Every session at SEV includes careful calibration of our laser hair removal machines. These settings can be adjusted before each session based on your feedback, improving your experience and optimizing your results.
Ready to take the leap and try laser hair removal? Rest assured you’ll receive comfortable, inclusive treatment at SEV Laser. Book now to receive a comprehensive consultation and skin assessment.