You’ve given your face a lot of attention over the years, so it’s time to start paying attention to your neck and jawline. The Nefertiti lift could be your ideal aesthetic solution if you have prominent vertical neck lines, horizontal neck wrinkles, or even jowl formation.

Named after the iconic Egyptian Queen known for her beautiful elongated neck, the Nefertiti lift is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that utilizes Botox injections to redefine the jawline and neck. This treatment targets the muscles that pull down on the jawline and neck, which creates a smoother, more lifted appearance.

If you’re curious about this treatment and whether it’ll be right for you, read this post! 


What is a Nefertiti Lift?

Named after the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti, the Nefertiti lift is a quick and easy treatment that creates a smoother and younger-looking neck. It’s ideal for those who feel like their neck is starting to look ropey with age, but it can also help emphasize the jawline and reduce horizontal necklines (commonly known as tech neck) for an overall lifted look. 

It’s carried out with Botox or similar neurotoxins like Xeomin and Dysport. It works by relaxing the platysmal bands, which is the thin, banded muscle that runs from the clavicles up the sides of the neck to the bottom of the face. 

 Benefits of the Nefertiti Neck Lift

There are a few unique benefits that come with the Nefertiti Botox neck lift. Read them through to decide if it’ll be right for you. 

  • Reduces prominence of visible bands or hollowness in the neck
  • Smoothes horizontal neck wrinkles and folds
  • Gives the appearance of tighter, firmer skin
  • Reduces jowls and refines the jawline
  • Visible results within one to two weeks of treatment
  • Quick and minimally invasive 

How a Nefertiti Lift Procedure Works

To understand how a Nefertiti lift works, it’s important you know how neurotoxin injections work. Botox and its relatives all work by inhibiting muscle tension in a targeted manner. 

Normally, they’re used to fade expression wrinkles, which are wrinkles caused by repetitive facial muscle movements. 

During a Nefertiti neck lift, Botox is injected into the platysmal band, a very thin muscle that covers the side and front of the neck. Relaxing this muscle smoothes the surface of the neck without causing any visual loss of tone, and it helps eliminate a “corded neck”. 

Relaxing the platysma also helps soften horizontal neck wrinkles or creases, although this depends on your individual anatomy. 

Finally, in addition to “cording”, a tense platysma muscle can also pull down on the face, leading to jowls. Injecting Botox directly under the jawline forces the platysma to relax right at the point where its bulging camouflages the shape of the jawline, so it can be a fantastic solution for jowls in those who are otherwise young and in good shape. 


Nefertiti Lift Injection Points

The injection points for the Nefertiti lift can span the entire length of the platysmal band on each side of the neck and jawline, or it can be partial, focusing on the neck, jawline, or both. 


Nefertiti Neck Lift 

The main focus of the Nefertiti neck lift is the neck itself, of course. To smooth out and tighten the neck, the toxin is injected in a vertical line along the two most prominent platysmal bands on each side of the neck. 

The bands close to the front of the neck are almost always injected, while the bands at the sides of the neck are optional depending on each patient’s anatomy and treatment goals. 


Jowl Nefertiti Lift

The jowl Nefertiti lift can be done alone or in combination with the neck lift. The focus during this treatment is on the portion of the platysma right below the jawline. 

Though it may sound counter-intuitive, injecting this area prevents a downward pull on the jaw, which results in a more defined jawline and a reduction in jowls. For some clients, this technique can also correct a drooping smile! 

Nefertiti Lift Injection Points


Nefertiti Lift Before and After

The change before and after a Nefertiti neck lift can be stunning, but it’s important you come prepared. Here’s what you should know before and after your Nefertiti lift. 


Pre- and Aftercare 

  • Before your Nefertiti lift, read through all the documentation your provider sends you and sign all forms. 
  • In the days before treatment, avoid drinking alcohol or taking any medications or supplements with a potential blood-thinning effect.  
  • Avoid using harsh or exfoliating treatments on the neck for a few days before and after treatment. 
  • Arrive to your appointment with your skin clean and free of makeup. 
  • After the treatment, avoid lying down or bending over for at least 4 hours. 
  • In the night after the treatment, sleep with your head slightly elevated. 
  • Avoid exercise and hot environments for 48 hours after your treatment. 

Risks and Side Effects

When carried out by an experienced injector, the Nefertiti lift is one of the safest Botox treatments you can undergo. Since the platysma is so thin, it doesn’t require a high quantity of neurotoxin, and the risks are minimal. 

However, it’s critical to choose an experienced injector who knows how to identify the platysma, since its shape and how it sits can differ from person to person. Over-injection or incorrect injection technique may lead to neck weakness or trouble speaking and swallowing (although these side effects haven’t actually been documented in relation to the Nefertiti lift). 

The most common side effects of a Nefertiti neck lift are bruising, swelling, and soreness at the injection sites, which tend to disappear quickly. 


How Much Does a Nefertiti Lift Cost?

A Nefertiti lift can cost anywhere from $280 to $2000 depending on how many areas of the neck are injected. A partial Nefertiti neck lift can require as little as 20 units of Botox, while a full neck and jowl Nefertiti lift can require as many as 80 units.

Prices will vary from med spa to med spa, based on the price per unit for the neurotoxin of choice. 

At SEV, we aim to keep our prices accessible and transparent. During your consultation, your nurse will let you know exactly how much your Nefertiti life will cost based on your specific treatment goals. 


Who’s a Good Candidate for a Nefertiti Lift?

First of all, make sure you’re a good candidate for neurotoxin treatments in general. There are a few important exclusion criteria, including pregnancy and certain allergies. 

The best candidate for a Nefertiti lift is someone with visible banding in their neck or whose platysma muscle is responsible for an undefined jawline and jowls. A Botox neck lift is also a good option if your neck looks ropey or lined, but there isn’t notable skin crepiness or loss of tone. 

If your aesthetic concerns have more to do with skin firmness or fat accumulation, then Botox might not be for you. The good news is that there are many other skin and body treatments that can firm your skin and create the smooth, defined neckline you want. 


Alternatives to the Nefertiti Neck Lift

In many cases, neck wrinkles and loss of tone are a skin issue rather than related to the muscles. In those cases, the following treatments might provide a better solution:

  • Morpheus8 and Potenza are powerful radiofrequency microneedling treatments that can target neck wrinkles by repairing the skin, boosting collagen production, and stimulating tissue coagulation. At a very specific treatment setting, Morpheus8 can also help refine the jawline by inducing fat coagulation. 
  • PRP uses the body’s own platelet-rich plasma or fibrin to trigger the body’s own self-repair mechanisms to induce skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. It dramatically boosts the effect of microneedling treatments. 
  • Forma is a gentle radiofrequency treatment with an immediate lifting effect but overall milder results. It’s a great non-invasive neck lift for the day of special events! 
  • Kybella is a treatment that breaks down unwanted fat under the chin. It can be beneficial if your jowls or loss of definition are the result of fat deposits under the chin. 

How to Find a Qualified Provider

The Nefertit neck lift is a complex injection technique. It should only be carried out by an advanced injector with a deep understanding of the anatomy of the neck. When searching for a provider, make sure to choose a qualified medical professional who is trained to offer the Nefertiti lift, like our nurse injectors at select SEV med spas. 

We’d love to help you figure out if a Nefertiti neck lift is right for you, or if you’d benefit from one of our other skin firming treatments. Book your consultation, and one of our nurse injectors will be in touch with you to discuss!