Wish you could get the effects of a facelift without the scalpels, surgery, stitches, and scars? A liquid facelift can rejuvenate and contour your face for a fresh, dewy glow.

Here’s everything you need to know about liquid facelifts, what to expect, and how a combination of injectables from SEV can give you the perfect lift!

Introduction to Liquid Facelifts

Liquid facelifts give you real, visible results without the need for plastic surgery. It’s a great way to enhance everything you love about your face, while also addressing a few concerns you have along the way.

When you get a liquid facelift, you’ll have the benefit of fast results without the pain, inconvenience, and downtime associated with cosmetic surgery. Whether you want a low-key lifted look or you’re trying to keep early signs of aging from becoming obvious, a liquid facelift could help you achieve more with less.

What is a Liquid Facelift?

A liquid facelift is a non-invasive procedure that uses dermal fillers and Botox to enhance and rejuvenate your facial features. Traditional facelifts are typically sought out by women whose fine lines, wrinkles, and softened skin are well established; liquid facelifts can offer versatility to younger patients with different goals.

The use of multiple kinds of injectables lets you subtly change the shape of your face, filling in sunken areas and defining features you want enhanced. They also have the power to temporarily freeze certain muscles, preventing wrinkles from taking over. Best of all, your entire liquid facelift can be completed in a single, swift session.

How a Liquid Facelift Works

There are two main parts to a liquid facelift: dermal fillers and neuromodulators. The combination of both types of injectables is what provides the final result of an overall younger look.

Dermal fillers restore volume to areas with decreased skin laxity due to sun exposure and aging, like your cheeks, lips, and under-eye areas. They contain an injectable form of hyaluronic acid, (HA), a sugar produced naturally by your body. Fillers vary in thickness, allowing different parts of your face to be contoured with ease.

Botox is a neuromodulator that paralyzes tiny, specific muscles under the skin. This addresses deep creases when you smile, laugh, or squint. Botox injections smooth away fine lines, lift your brows, and refine your facial contours — all without damaging your ability to express yourself naturally.

Together, Botox and dermal fillers work to transform your face with subtlety. Your friends and family will notice how amazing you look, but they’ll find no evidence of cosmetic enhancements. You’ll just look fresher, better rested, and more confident.

Benefits of a Liquid Facelift

There are many benefits to going with a liquid facelift over traditional surgery.

Non-Surgical Rejuvenation

Forget “going under the knife” for a younger, fresher looking you; liquid facelifts don’t need a surgeon or a blade for outstanding results.

Little to No Downtime

Unlike a traditional facelift, which can mean weeks of recovery time, a liquid facelift requires little or no downtime to look flawless. Think “long weekend” instead of a long leave of absence.

Individualized Treatment

Like a traditional facelift, a liquid facelift is tailored to your personal goals, but without the time and cost involved.

Natural-Looking Results 

While a surgical facelift can leave your face looking tight and unnatural, liquid facelifts have a more subtle effect, contouring and smoothing in a gentle de-aging process. You can experience some of the lift without much of the risk.

Preventive Care

The more times your skin creases, the more familiar those lines become. Keeping your face smooth now can help prevent deeper wrinkles and softening in the future. Injectables when you’re still young can help you age with grace.

Immediate Boost in Appearance

A traditional facelift can take months to fully “settle.” Liquid facelifts yield results right away, with only minimal puffiness, redness, or bruising that disappears in 24 to 72 hours.

Long-Lasting Effects 

While a liquid facelift won’t last for years like a traditional surgery, the effects can still last 6 to 18 months. Then, you can come back and ask for the same procedure, with additional feedback to further perfect your look.

Why Choose a Liquid Facelift Over Surgery?

Opting for a liquid facelift over cosmetic surgery is practical for several reasons:

Injectables are a non-invasive alternative to surgery, with no incisions or scarring. There’s no lengthy downtime, and you won’t have to hide away until you’re fully recovered.

Using injectables delivers customizable and reversible options. Both wear off in 6 to 18 months, and if you want to hurry things along, you can get dissolvers for dermal fillers.

Even if you think you may want plastic surgery someday, you might not be ready or able to afford surgery just yet. A liquid facelift can provide a viable option in the meantime, and help you define what you want from your surgeon in the future.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

While anyone can opt for a liquid facelift, we’ve noticed some of the people most excited about the option are younger. Specifically, people in their late 20s to 40s who are starting to notice early signs of aging and/or want to enhance their natural features.

These clients are typically seeking subtle enhancements rather than drastic changes. A traditional facelift can be a bit extreme, but a liquid facelift is just right. They’re intrigued by the idea of changing or updating their look, while also preventing future wrinkles or loosening.

Main Liquid Facelift Injection Sites


Dermal fillers such as Juvéderm Voluma are ideal for restoring volume in hollow-looking cheeks, and can be injected just under the cheekbones for a lifted appearance.


Restylane Kysse can be used to gently plump out the lips, enhancing fullness and definition.

Jawline and Chin

Dermal fillers can help define your jawline and give you a fuller chin, creating eye-pleasing contours.

Mouth and Nose 

Smoker’s lines, nasolabial folds (smile lines), and marionette lines can all be addressed with fillers from Juvéderm and Restylane.

Forehead and Eyes

Botox is the best injectable for the upper face, quickly and easily smoothing out forehead lines and crow’s feet. Thinner fillers like Juvéderm Volbella can also fill in under-eye circles, making you appear younger and more alert.

Procedure Overview and What to Expect

There are a few things you should know before and after your procedure and during your liquid facelift appointment:

Before Treatment

You’ll want to stay out of direct sun and tanning beds for a few days to a week before having injectables. If you use skincare products containing retinoids, discontinue them temporarily, and mention any medications or supplements that could cause bruising or bleeding under the skin, such as aspirin.

During treatment 

We always apply a numbing agent before a liquid facelift to ensure minimal discomfort. Both Botox and dermal fillers also contain a small amount of anesthetic. Most people say they only feel a light pinch or a bit of pressure from each injection. The entire process typically takes just 30 to 60 minutes.

After Treatment

You can expect a brief recovery with only minor swelling, redness, and potential bruising. You can use ice packs on your face to provide relief, just avoid direct contact with the ice.

Finding the Right Provider

The outcome of any cosmetic procedure depends on your provider, including injectables. It’s crucial that you select a skilled injector to ensure natural-looking results.

At SEV, our staff includes qualified injectors with the expertise and commitment to care you deserve. They are trained to administer a range of dermal fillers, Botox, and Dysport. As the industry improves and new products are introduced, SEV provides additional training to maintain the high standard our studios are known for.

Choose SEV For Your Liquid Facelift

Our tailored approach to enhancing natural beauty is how we deliver optimal results time and time again. If you want to look and feel younger and more confident without going under the knife, our customizable liquid facelift process will suit you far better than surgery.

To schedule a consultation and begin discussing and personalizing your liquid facelift, book an appointment at SEV. We’re eager to show you what we can do without a scalpel!