Puberty is an uncomfortable time, and body hair can only make things more difficult. Teenagers have to learn to deal with the pressures of their studies, first jobs, social lives, and a growing awareness of their appearance and how others see them. Safe FDA-approved treatments like laser hair removal can help teens adjust and avoid painful experiences with shaving and waxing.

Everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin, especially those who are still growing into it. At SEV, we provide laser hair removal for all ages, skin types, and areas of the body.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe for Teenagers?

It’s natural for parents and guardians to have concerns about the procedure, especially if they’ve never undergone it themselves. Many people also hold misconceptions about laser hair removal based on outdated information and myths.

According to a study examining over 25 years of safety research, there is no evidence to suggest that there are any late onset risks from laser or IPL treatments. Side effects like temporary redness or inflammation are common but mercifully quick to dissipate. The lasers use non-ionizing energy, so they’re safer than the sun’s rays or the lamps in tanning beds.

Laser hair removal used to have more risks than it does today, especially for patients with darker skin. With advances in technology and better lasers, the procedure is gentler and more effective than ever. At SEV, we use cutting-edge machines that are safe for all skin types.

Benefits of Early Hair Removal Treatments

There are numerous benefits to laser hair removal for teens, starting with safety. Laser hair removal helps prevent ingrown hairs, folliculitis, or cuts which are a common occurrence with other hair removal methods (especially when performed by inexperienced teens). Plus, it’s considerably less painful than waxing.

Laser hair removal can also save a lot of money moving forward, with hair reduction that can last well into adulthood. While shaving and waxing seem more affordable at a glance, the expenses add up over a lifetime. Laser hair removal only needs to be performed several times, and the results are easily maintained.

Laser hair removal treatments are surprisingly fast, so they take minimal time out of you and your teen’s day. Then, there are the social benefits of removing body hair. Teens can feel more comfortable and prepared to enjoy life when they don’t need to worry about unwanted hair showing.

While it’s important to avoid shame surrounding the natural body, it’s also normal to want to remove the hair. Many people feel more self-assured and confident following laser hair removal.

Hormonal Influences on Teen Hair Growth

Hair growth is directly affected by your hormones, which is why it’s important to time laser hair removal correctly. Younger teens may have mixed results compared to older ones, since their bodies are still flush with rapidly-changing hormones.

The menstrual cycle should also be considered when discussing the need for laser hair removal. High hair density paired with other symptoms like irregular periods could be a sign of hormonal imbalance. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or other conditions should be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.

From What Age Can Teens Get Laser Hair Removal?

Teenagers should not receive laser hair removal if they haven’t expressed that unwanted hair is a problem for them. It’s also recommended that they have the maturity to understand the procedure, side effects, risks, and long-term ramifications.

Beyond that, a teenager between the ages of 17-18 might achieve better results than one who is still developing new hair follicles due to puberty. At SEV, we recommend laser hair removal for teens between the ages of 14-18. We won’t treat patients below 14.

Results to Expect as a Teen 

It can take time to see the full results of laser hair removal, and you will experience hair regrowth at least a few times. This is especially true for teenagers, who will continue undergoing hormonal changes that impact hair growth throughout their lives. Anticipate a series of treatments, including touch-ups as needed.

There is also a good chance that you will experience hair growth after finishing treatment. Just because a teenager has remained hairless for a few months or years does not mean that they won’t experience another hormonal shift.

While laser hair removal is more permanent and less high-maintenance than shaving or waxing, teenagers should maintain realistic expectations.

Combining Laser Hair Removal With Acne Treatments

Body hair and acne go hand in hand for many teens. Unfortunately, traditional forms of hair removal can cause a host of skin problems.

Shaving over acne or ingrown hairs can cause bleeding, inflammation, and worsened infection. Waxing can also lead to ingrown hairs and blemishes, since it often irritates the pores and leaves them vulnerable to infection.

Laser hair removal causes far less inflammation, reducing acne overall. It also frees up space within the pores by removing the hair from the follicle, making it easier to cleanse and exfoliate. While you might experience break-outs at first due to the changes in routine, your acne will clear up as you treatment progresses.

To prepare for laser hair removal, make sure to avoid harsh treatments like chemical peels, microneedling, and other forms of skin resurfacing for at least 4 weeks leading up to your appointment. Pause the use of prescription tretinoin (Retin-A) for 2 weeks, and stop using other retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, and acids like lactic, glycolic, and salicylic for one week.

Following your treatment, wear sunscreen and stick to gentle cleansers and unscented moisturizers for at least 10 days.

Customizing Treatment for Young Skin

If it’s a teen’s first time undergoing laser hair removal, it’s important to set the bar high. At SEV, our technicians and nurses know how to reduce discomfort and limit side effects when treating younger patients.

Prior to treatment, we’ll have parents or guardians of clients who are under 18 sign our detailed medical consent forms. We’ll also conduct a consultation with our younger clients and their parents to ensure safety.

We begin our treatments with a thorough examination to identify our patients’ skin types and to check their skin sensitivity level. This helps us choose the safest and most effective laser. The Alexandrite laser is more effective on light skin, while those with darker skin are best treated with the Nd:YAG laser.

SEV Laser Hair Removal Equipments engineered with sensors that identify danger spots in the skin and keep it from becoming too hot, preventing side effects and adverse events. We also use systems with cooling features to reduce discomfort and soothe the skin.

If you’d like your teen to have the best laser hair removal experience possible without overspending, go ahead and book them in at your nearest SEV.